Sherlockian Conversations

David Gwillim: A Sherlockian Conversation

Leading man David Gwillim shares fond memories of playing Percy Phelps in The Naval Treaty.  He also discusses performing Shakespeare for the camera, working with Prince Charles, and his adventures with Jeremy Brett – before and after Sherlock Holmes.

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7 thoughts on “David Gwillim: A Sherlockian Conversation

  1. Can’t wait to listen! And congrats on your anniversary guys! Has it been three years already?

    May you both have many more podcasting years to come!

  2. Happy Anniversary Gents…You did it! Very Well!! I look forward to another three years and beyond. Thank you.

  3. I enjoyed the Six Napoleons show, and this interview as well (too bad Marina Sirtis wouldn’t speak longer with you guys about her involvement on the episode; but at least you got decent note from Ian McKellan). What was the David Gwillim (BBC?) production that was on YouTube? Did that also have Brett in it? I might have to re-listen to the interview…
    That would be fun to splurge on a Napoleon bust if that ever gets in your store, but I will have to look into getting Reichenbach falls print in the meantime (I love my ‘I am a Bretton’ coffee mug, btw).
    That would be great to get Brett a star on the Hollywood walk of fame, too! I might venture north of the 710 if that ever occurs…
    I wonder if ACD & Brett ever hang out together…

    1. Thanks, Stephen! The Napoleon bust is coming eventually, we promise. 🙂

      Love’s Labours Lost is the BBC play on YouTube. Worth a watch!


  4. Dear Gus and Luke,
    I found your interview with Stephen Fry some time ago and only now remembered to actually give the podcast a try. Now I almost feel like I should apologise for that because I had a great time listening so far! It’s amazing that you two picked this show to talk about!
    I‘m also one of the younger Jeremy Brett fans and I feel like this is also due to the fact that here in Germany there are not that many ways to come in contact with the Sherlock Holmes stories. So it took me some time to find my inner Sherlockian. Funnily enough, it was Robert Downey Jr.‘s Holmes that got me interested in the stories, although I know that many Sherlockians hate his portrayal. But I enjoy them for the action movies they are.
    I’ve been a fan of the Granada series and Jeremy Brett since 2014/2015. It was around the time when we covered Sherlock Holmes in our English class in high school and I had to sit through two episodes of BBC’s Sherlock. And this brings me to my question to you: Do you think it takes away some of the charm and excitement if the great detective solves his cases in modern times when the police work has improved so much and they would need his help less often?
    Something else that always struck me as very interesting is the fact that pretty much all the scenes showing drugs are cut from the German version. I bought the dvd set a few years ago and was confused when these scenes seemed to be added later and only with German subtitles. I haven’t found the reason for this when there are certainly other German shows from the 80s mentioning drugs. Also, the Devil’s Foot, Silver Blaze, Wisteria Lodge and Bruce-Partington Plans haven’t been dubbed in German either.
    I really enjoy your podcast and I’m grateful for all the work you put into the research and the interviews. Even the bits about filming techniques, which I didn’t think I would be interested in, are a joy when being explained by you. And I hope you find many more fascinating people to interview!
    Jeremy Brett is the perfect Holmes. He is one of the reasons why I decided to study English now and I look forward to annoy my future pupils with his portrayal.

    All the best and thank you very much!

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