Full Episodes

Episode 16: The Empty House

Sherlock Returns!  In this episode, Holmes and Watson reunite inside The Empty House to thwart the plans the Col. Sebastian Moran.  Also, we are introduced to Mr. Edward Hardwicke, and Luke and Gus discuss the finer points of Baritsu.  Plus updates on INTERSECT, the Relics Collection, listener telegrams, and more!

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8 thoughts on “Episode 16: The Empty House

  1. This episode does have many wonderful moments (I like how Watson deduces the reason for the crime, and Watson’s genuine warmth towards Holmes upon the detective’s return), but the plausibility of Holmes concealing his survival always irks me. Doyle’s fault, not the production’s, of course.

    I hate to be “that person” but I recently binged the Russian versions from the 70s and 80s, and its version of the reunion and Moran’s murder of Ronald Adair is now my favorite take on “The Empty House.”

  2. Love this episode! What a wonderful return of our iconic detective and his overjoyed doctor, landlady, and friends. At every re-watch a sheer delight!

    Oh, and of course, Gus & Luke present it all to us in fine podcast style–thank you once again gentlemen! (Must add that your Intersect film does look rather intriguing… always love good time travel stories)

    1. Thanks so much for listening. And for the kind words. 🙂 I hope you like Intersect. It’s a fun snapshot of what we were up to when we were much, much younger.

  3. Another thoroughly enjoyable podcast! Thank you, Gus and Luke.

    I noticed at the end of the podcast you mentioned “The Abbey Grange” as the next episode. Didn’t “The Priory School” air after “The Empty House”? Or are you skipping a few? Just curious.

    1. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

      After double checking, it appears to be listed just about everywhere with Abbey Grange coming after The Empty House. HOWEVER, according to original air date order in the UK, I think you are correct!

      Strangely, even the Televsion Sherlock book by Haining has Abbey Grange listed 2nd in the season – but if you look at the actual ITV air dates, clearly Priory School came first! Maybe, our copies of all the discs/books are the American versions, we are seeing thr American broadcast order. ?

      A mystery that requires more investigation! Thanks again, John!

  4. Thank you, Gus. That is interesting.
    The reason I brought it up is because I have something to share with you and Luke related to the “The Priory School” and was ready to send it along. But I will wait until you get there.
    Love the podcast. You both do a great job. Thank you.

    1. Thanks, John. Actually, I think we are going to course-correct and do the Priory School next. 🙂 Would rather stick to the original broadcast order. If you want to share anything, please get in touch!

      Thanks again!

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