Full Episodes

Episode 10: The Greek Interpreter

In this episode, Mycroft Holmes enlists the aid of his brother, Sherlock, and Dr. Watson to solve the mystery of The Greek Interpreter.  Luke and Gus discuss sticking plaster, St Vitus’ Dance, and much more.  Plus, listener telegrams!

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4 thoughts on “Episode 10: The Greek Interpreter

  1. This episode was delightful! Thank you both very much for providing such enjoyable content. It is much appreciated. On a side note, I am quite sure that Luke is really Mark McKinney incognito. If I am wrong, humor me and let me continue to believe it so.

  2. Hi guys. I love the show and savor each episode. Just finished The Greek Interpreter and i wss surprised you missed a very obvious error in the episode. When Mycroft refers to Kemp’s Sharps 1840 4 barrel pepperbox pistol as a revolver. After boasting all the military knowledge when first introduced he completely destroys his credibility calling it a revolver! Argh!
    Keep up the great work!

  3. Great podcast… TY
    in my headcanon, the extras being out of sync at the beginning of an episode always seemed to be a breaking of the 4th wall and sort of a nod that this was a television dramatization of an iconic work, but more likely it was just an accident, but I’ll keep believing.

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