Sherlockian Conversations

David Burke: A Sherlockian Conversation

In this very special episode, we are honored to present our conversation with actor David Burke. Burke portrayed Dr. John Watson in the first thirteen episodes of the Granada series and (together with Jeremy Brett and Michael Cox) helped to reinvent the character for a new generation. Joined by his wife Anna Calder-Marshall, he shared stories of playing the good doctor, his departure from the show, and his friend Jeremy Brett.


6 thoughts on “David Burke: A Sherlockian Conversation

  1. Bravo! What a coup to finally interview David Burke after all these years! Well done, Gus and Luke! David is every bit the kind, thoughtful gentleman I would have expected. Now I’m inspired to rewatch all his episodes.

    Much as I love Edward Hardwicke, it is intriguing to imagine a parallel universe in which David Burke carried on as Watson in all the stories we know so well. I’m picturing him in place of Hardwicke looking concerned at Holmes’s drug use in “The Musgrave Ritual” or applauding with Lastrade after Holmes’s conjuring trick at end of “The Six Napoleons.”

    1. Thanks, Adam! A coup indeed. And we agree that is fun to swamp he and Edward out in the imagination. Perhaps someday computers will do it for us and we’ll see both options.

      Will have lots more to say about meeting Mr. Burke in the next episode. 🙂

  2. Thank you for this. He was a terrific Watson, and I am pleased he talked with you. It was surprising and touching that he was so nervous about doing the conversation. Imagine! You asked all the right questions, too.

  3. God Bless You David Burke! I’m going to say a prayer for you tonight! You’re a wonderful man and Your Work with Jeremy Brett is amazing it’s effected my life!

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