
The game is afoot.

Greetings, friends and colleagues. And welcome to The Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes Podcast website – devoted to revisiting and honoring the world’s greatest portrayal of the world’s greatest detective.

From 1984 to 1994, Granada Television produced what is arguably the best (and most complete) depiction of legendary detective’s Adventures, Memoirs, Case-Books and many Returns. Spanning 36 episodes and 5 movies, producer Michael Cox created a Sherlockian experience like no other. This podcast will examine that timeless series with a specific eye on Jeremy Brett in the role he was destined to immortalize.

The show will be live soon on iTunes, etc. Thanks for your patience. Comments, questions? Contact us at contact@sherlockpodcast.com.

3 thoughts on “The game is afoot.

  1. Really enjoying your Podcast. A wonderful mix between the episodes themselves and what was going on behind the scenes. It’s fun re-watching the episodes after listening to the podcast.

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